Monday, March 16. April and I set in an empty hospital room waiting for my next infusion. It is quiet in the building at 6:30 am. Nurses slowly arrive for their duties in other areas of the hospital. The low clop-clop of foot steps echoing through the empty hallway only reminds me of how alone I can feel during all this. This makes me sad.
My nurse, Andrea, arrives at 7am and we begin the process. Pre-testing then pre-meds them the infusion and then it's time for a nap. The morning is occasionally interrupted by a blood pressure cheek or blood draw or EKG. Everything goes as expected.
The news of the day is my blood sugar. Last week my fasting blood glucose was 160+. Today it was 180+. My belief is this is caused by the drug I am taking. In any case I need to get with my local doctor and get it taken care of. I tried altering my diet in the past week but it did not help so it looks like I'll need some kind of med. They also said my potassium and phosphorus are low, so I am getting supplements for them.
The rest of the trip is uneventful. We are staying with Denice, April sister, and we plan to to visit with April's step mom Charlotte. This is the limit of our plans. We may do something else but it's mainly doctor, doctor, then more doctor. Thankfully there is no rain today. The past few trips were filled with rain. The forecast say we may see sunshine this week which has me a little excited. We'll see what happens.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Infusion #4
Friday, March 6, 2015
Always a roller coaster.
This trip was as eventful as my trips usually are. The driving was good, the appointments were easy and the people were wonderful. However there's always more.
During our trip to Houston there was a substantial snow and ice event in NW Arkansas. Our house was covered. As things melted on the roof it began raining into our bedroom and leaking in our sunroom. AGAIN! This same thing happened last year and we paid about $5k to replace a section of roof to fix it. Apparently that did not work. I contacted the roofing company and they're coming out next week to look at it. I expect to be replacing the entire roof soon. Very soon.
As April and I are preparing to leave Houston we take the bags to the truck and find the tailgate wont open. CRAP! At some point in the past 3 weeks my bumper was hit hard enough to bend in and deflect the side panel and hose the tailgate! I don't see any damage to the bumper or quarter panel or tailgate. Did some with a car made of cotton balls hit me? I suspect it's the damn crumple zone technology. It 'absorbed' an otherwise non-eventful impact to save my life and only cause unknown thousands of dollars in damage. I am upset. Add to that I do not have time to leave my truck anywhere. Poop Poop Poop!
We leave for home on Monday and plan to stay one night with my uncle in Oklahoma. Traffic through Dallas is horrible so we arrive about 10pm. I am tired and I ache all over, which is not surprising. The next morning I wake up and feel no better. I have a 101.5 temp. Darn. We're only 2 hours from home so we make a Dr appointment and head that way. Of course we're blocked because of a crane stuck in the mud (that's another story), but I get to the appointment and get some antibiotics. Wednesday and Thursday are spent laying down. Nothing but soup and water. I feel mostly better on Thursday but now April has it.
Today is Friday, April is sick, I must be in Houston on Monday, and the roofers will be here next week. The adventure continues.