Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 04, 2014 8:18 AM

From: Brewer, Damon
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 8:18 AM
To: Brewer, Damon
Subject: FW: My health (Damon)

August is finally here and the weather is unbelievably cooperative.  We’ve had a few hot days, but it’s dominantly in the 80s and low 90s.  I cannot complain about that.

For me things are starting to happen.  I met with Dr. Montgomery last Friday.  Sadly he was not optimistic for my leg.  The chemo and radiation did essentially nothing for the tumor in my leg.  It continues to expand and is now wrapping the femoral artery and the tumor is definitely eroding/invading my femur.  Both of these require replacement for me to keep my leg so there is still a slim chance to keep it, but many, many things have to happen perfectly.   The doctor is consulting with his piers about the possible outcomes.    Adding insult to injury the cancer seems to have spread to my left lung.  I have a dime sized anomaly on the CT scan which must be removed.   Double-darn.

Here’s what’s next. 

I meet the thoracic surgeon this Thursday to discuss my lung.   I expect them to say ‘blah blah blah surgery blah blah’ and I’ll respond with ‘OK’.  I’ll fill in the details when I have them.

The surgery for my leg is scheduled for August 11, 2014 in Little Rock.  I don’t have an exact time and I don’t know what outcome to expect.  I’ll probably hear that the morning of the surgery.  Even then nothing is certain until it’s done.  He did say to expect to be in the hospital until Thursday.  I’m sure the doctors will do their very best.  Dr. Montgomery said to expect 2-3 weeks between my leg surgery and my lung surgery.

After all that I expect to recover for a week to two and then keep on keepin’ on.

Everyone, take care of yourself.   I’ll continue to share as things develop.

One more thing.  I called and the folks at Warrior Dash said amputees are welcome.


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