Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A smack in the face

Today was my third radiation treatment.  It went well, as far as I can tell, and appears to be helping my breathing.  That’s the good news.  There’s bad news too.
I spoke with both Dr Smith (Radiation) and Dr Travis (Oncology) today.  Each presented a different opinion, but both shared a common thread.  I do not have a good prognosis.  I ask direct questions of each and each gave me direct answers.
Dr Smith said I was VERY lucky to be here now.  He did not expect me to survive last week when my airway collapsed.  My radiation treatment is essentially an Emergency dosage which they do not do under normal circumstances.  The radiation is attacking a fist size location surrounding my esophagus and trachea.  This is to open my airway so I can breathe (which is important) but is also affecting everything else in the area.  This only buys me time.  Dr Smith also said there was nothing else he could do beyond this.  The rest of the tumor will continue to grow and squash everything, which will eventually suffocate me.  He suggested contacting a Hospice and begin making preparations.   His observations of the growth suggest I have 4-6 weeks.
Dr Travis is slightly more optimistic.  He also says I am lucky to still be here and the radiation is an emergency treatment which can probably not be repeated.  However, we have a plan.  In three weeks (Sept 29) I get another CT scan.  This may reveal if the last dosage of ifosomide (the last chemo) did anything for me.  I believe it was and that this breathing episode is related to my fall at Foghorns.  I think the fall caused some type of injury to my trachea, which cascaded what happened last week.  My hope is to continue the Ifosomide treatment after the CT scan.

I plan to Fight On.


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