Thursday, January 29, 2015

I'm caning it

I can walk with one cane when using my new leg!  It’s not always pretty, but I get from here to there and back again.   The occasional fall hurts my pride more than anything else.  Everyone at work is awesome.  Jeff, Bobbi, or someone walks with me to get coffee.  This is good because falling with a cup of hot coffee is far less fun than falling alone.

Terah brought me lunch yesterday and of course I fall when we’re walking from the break room.  She handled herself well as she watch me hit the ground.   I wrenched my shoulder a bit and it took a minute to get up, but nothing is really hurt.  Terah later told April that she had a heart attack when I went down.  Poor girl.

In December I ask Snells (the prosthetics place) to lengthen my leg.  Walking without crutches changes my posture and Jeff mentioned that my leg looked too long.  This made me reassess several things and I think he’s right.  I need Snells to shorten it.

I am pushing really hard so I’ll be ready for whatever happens.  The thoracic surgeons made me set up when they described what could happen to my lungs.  Loosing too much lung capacity would not stop my progress, but it would hinder it greatly since breathing is so important.  More progress now makes any recovery easier.

My Houston trip is less than three weeks away.  I am more than a little excited about it.  That’s excited in the good way and excited in the not so good way.  The nurse (Catherine) at Houston Methodist is very helpful and has described the process as best as she can.  This is helpful, but I still don’t really know what’s going happen.  Whatever it is I’ll do it.  Bring it!

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