Monday, August 25, 2014

Good news

Damon is out of surgery!! Everything went great!! They got the tumor and did not see anything else that looked suspicious.  He was in surgery less than an hour!!  He has 2 small incisions and 1 drain tube. Dr. Stelig thinks he could be checked out as early as tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday.   So he and I will be able to spend time together just relaxing while waiting for his post-op appointment to have his stitches removed on Friday at 1pm. He is in post-op now and should be in a room in a few hours. I will let everyone know his room number as soon as I know it! Prayer works!!!! Thanks to all of you for your time, compassion, prayers and friendship through this ordeal. We love each and every one of you!!!


  1. That is excellent news April! One of the greatest things to come from this (I hope for both of you) is to know how many people care! You have a lot of 'extended' family praying for all of you!!! So good to hear he's in good spirits and good health now, regardless of the new 'adventures' to come. (Knowing DB, maybe a few mis-adventures too!) :-) God bless & keep you & strong!

  2. ***I posted that before reading through the rest of the blogs. I see the mis-adventures are beginning already!! LOL No time for "boring" in the Brewer household, I see!!!! ;-) (Poor TB - but yep, had to giggle.)

  3. Yayz! That's great news! So, if he started smoking, would the smoke come out the incisions? Because that would be awesone!

    1. Or if it's cold out we could see his breath when he inhales and exhales.

    2. Yes! He tested me before removing the chest tube. The test was blow real hard and he watched for bubbles.
